Wow, to think it is the end... just crazy. From the beginning, my digital literacy was pretty good. Typing was a breeze and learning microsoft word couldn't of been easier. Then life hit, I got so busy that I fell behind, so behind that I barely qualified for the Excel exam and so on. Overall the difference I would make would be to spend more time on IS 101 and plan around it. Taking the SAT twice in this semsester and the ACT once ate my time to up to 8 hours a day, let alone anything else in my life. Even in these last two days, my car has broken down twice, and for over 18 out of 24 hours I was working on it. So baseline, plan around IS 101 and make it the primary class so that everything can get done on time.
For A5, I talked out the history of Mclaren automotive, though I went over the time limit on the presentation, I was passionate and provided an example to the class to watch the clock.